Tag: S-1

years of kindness

Please be kind. Debate & argue the merits of ideas. Personal insults, troll accusations, hate speech, distorting context & facts, any advocating or wishing death or physical harm, extortion and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban from playing and performing in 1518 & projects

79 x don’t tune

There are 79 organs in the human body, and each plays a unique and crucial role in maintaining proper bodily function. From the circulatory system, which comprises the heart and lungs responsible for delivering oxygen-rich blood throughout the body

ain’t think

There are ongoing studies in the field of neuroscience and psychology aimed at developing technologies that can read and interpret human thoughts, emotions, and intentions. Some experts argue that mind-reading technologies could be used to violate privacy and personal autonomy, and could even have implications for free will


Spatial relation to image, tracking object on and off screen. Offscreen space is space in the diegesis that is not physically present in the frame


Cheese production, a time-honored process that has been a part of humankind’s culinary arts for over 7,000 years, is a fascinating topic that continues to intrigue scholars and food enthusiasts alike