Tag: FPCs – fashion player characters


coining is the process of word formation where the new words are coined or invented to represent a new invention or development

gender role

Gender roles are the set of social and behavioral norms that are generally considered acceptable for a particular sex in a particular culture or society. It is the set of expectations, which influences how people should think, speak, dress, and interact within the context of their gender identity. Gender roles are often based on cultural norms, as well as on social and religious beliefs

c-fashionistas & accoutre

c-fashion & accoutre modern fashion is not for image reference c-fashion & accoutre Pinpointing the exact moment when humans developed a need for clothing and

show ot not show

the decision of whether to show or not to show, can be a complex one. There are numerous pros and cons to both options, and each decision comes with its own set of risks and rewards


Hurdle is a term that refers to an obstacle or barrier that one must overcome in order to achieve a goal. This could be a physical obstacle, such as a barrier in a race or the challenge of climbing a mountain

1518&project’s games

1518 & projects games is a series of games that have been masterfully invented or reinvented by none other than 1518 Projects