Tag: accordionist’s notes

person vs character

According to legal and philosophical traditions, a person is often distinguished from other entities by their ability to think, act, and make decisions on their own

proto-world language

Proto-World language is a compelling area of inquiry that has engendered extensive dialogue among linguists and anthropologists.

linguistic competence

Linguistic competence refers to an individual’s comprehensive understanding of language, including grammar, syntax, semantics, and phonology. It encompasses one’s ability to comprehend and produce language in both oral and written communication, taking into account the social and cultural contexts in which language is used

air cavitas-oris

Air design plays a vital role in numerous industries, and its applications span diverse fields. It is a crucial aspect that cannot be ignored because it impacts the ergonomic workability of a space

wet pista

The Wet Pistas Award is an exciting annual event celebrated since December 2021. By honoring excellence across these diverse disciplines, the award serves to highlight the interconnectivity of different realms of knowledge