Category: world


Dispossessing or divesting someone of their pen and writing utensils is one of the various strategies that draw on both psychological and practical tactics

ain’t think

There are ongoing studies in the field of neuroscience and psychology aimed at developing technologies that can read and interpret human thoughts, emotions, and intentions. Some experts argue that mind-reading technologies could be used to violate privacy and personal autonomy, and could even have implications for free will

c-fashionistas & accoutre

c-fashion & accoutre modern fashion is not for image reference c-fashion & accoutre Pinpointing the exact moment when humans developed a need for clothing and

employment law & job security

Employment law is a vast and complex field that covers a broad range of legal statutes and regulations that govern the relationship between an employer and its employees

theatre of fact

theatre of fact is not for image reference theatre of fact Documentary Theatre, also known as Theatre of Fact, which emerged as a profound German

show ot not show

the decision of whether to show or not to show, can be a complex one. There are numerous pros and cons to both options, and each decision comes with its own set of risks and rewards

project it-stamps

the project it-stamps is an exceptional initiative that aims to fulfill the creative pursuits of individuals interested in innovative projects. Its focus is on crafting personalised stamps that highlight the cultural aspect of our daily lives

fart deflectors

creature’s horns curved back in a manner that would render them useless in a fight and in order to save itself the creature would be forced to run away

world systems

This is a general term in systems theory that refers to a socioeconomic system, encompassing part or all of the globe. It details the aggregate structural result of the sum of the interactions between polities

remember yourself, please

The workings of the human mind are truly fascinating. The ability to recall memories effortlessly, both good and bad, is testimony to the complexity of our cognitive abilities