There can be two distinct types of frames: voluntary frames VF and involuntary frames IF. These frames differ from each other in several key ways, which are crucial to understanding. To begin with, voluntary frames are those that we consciously choose to put together ourselves, carefully selecting the elements to create a particular message or impression. On the other hand, involuntary frames are those that are imposed on us often by external factors or circumstances beyond our control. This can make them more difficult to deal with as we may not have as much agency over the message they communicate. Also, it is worth noting that involuntary frames can arise from various sources, such as societal norms or media influences. Understanding the differences between voluntary and involuntary frames is essential for anyone who wants to communicate effectively and avoid being negatively impacted by external messages
As human beings, we are besieged by images, ideas, and messages that shape our perceptions of the world around us. Some of these come from our own experiences, while others are imposed upon us by external sources. One example of this is the phenomenon of involuntary frames. These are the mental structures and frameworks that are imposed upon us without our consent, often through media or advertising. These frames can shape how we perceive ourselves and others, what we believe is possible or impossible, and even how we understand the world around us. They can be powerful tools for shaping public opinion and influencing behavior, but they can also be dangerous when used to manipulate or deceive
Approaching tasks voluntarily can give us a sense of personal agency and fulfilment. Rather than being weighed down by external pressures, we are guided by our internal drive, instinct and initiative. This gives us the freedom to explore new opportunities and possibilities
Undertaking an activity or task without limitations or requirements is a choice that individuals make based on their own volition. It is important to acknowledge that such decisions can affect both passive and active voices. Choosing to record or film an activity or opting to be captured through recording or filming are both voluntary decisions. Conversely, declining to be recorded or filmed and still being compelled to do so would be considered involuntary. It is essential to realize that each decision has consequences, whether it is voluntary or involuntary. Therefore, people should make well-informed choices that align with their goals while also weighing all possible outcomes
snoring is not feeding
ddov – do not do odwrotkas
Voluntary Frames & Voluntary Takes & Voluntary Cuts Only – 1518&projects